Saturday, September 30, 2017

Reünie George September 2017

Soos in die verlede het Trudie weer haarself oortref en 'n fantastiese reünie gereël. Baie dankie Trudy, jy is 'n ster! Sien wie was daar hier

We hope to see as many former Dassies, teachers and personnel as possible. Please contact Trudy for further information: +27 83 564 9170/+27 44 873 4021/

Monday, January 12, 2015

Nuus en foto's vanaf Hein Wessels (1943 - 1965) op Struisbaai

Hieronder is interessante inligting wat vanaf Mnr. Hein Wessels wat deesdae op Struisbaai woon, ontvang is.


Koshuis1 of Voorwaarts in 1930
Skool se kiosk

Dassiebult :  Ek weet nie wie Palmhuis se eerste palm geplant het nie.  In 1930 het die boom só gelyk.  Kyk die hoë heining aan die dorp se rugbyveld se kant.  Die seuns moes dit elke Saterdagoggend knip.  In 1945 het my pa die palmboom eers halfpad laat afsaag en 'n rankop daarom geplant en later laat uithaal.  Die foto wys waar Teppie [Rot] Carstens bo-op die leer staan om die boom te begin saag.  Die personeel kyk toe.  Die huidige 4 bome aan die skool se kant het my pa intussen geplant.  [ongeveer 1946] 
Koshuis1 of Voorwaarts in 1930.  Dit was die eerste koshuis gebou en die enigste met 'n personeel-slaapkamer met 'n balkon voor in die middel bo.  [Die skaduwee lyk na 'n twee-kleur]
Die skool het 'n kiosk op die dorpsveld, regoor Palmhuis, gehad.  Verversings is daar verkoop om skoolfonds te stywe.
Groete.  Hein Wessels 

Friday, August 16, 2013

GEORGE HERALD - 9 August 2012

Die Bult School's principal Mr Lodewyk Meyer in front of the original building in Langenhoven Street. The school celebrates its 100th birthday this year. Photo: LeeAnne Pratt GEORGE NEWS -

The oldest active educational facility in George, Die Bult School, celebrates its centenary on 1 December. As part of the celebrations, three special events will be hosted at the school over the next four months. During the last weekend of August, a special sport weekend - which principal, Lodewyk Meyer hopes will become an annual event - has been arranged. This will see the final games of the season's rugby, soccer and netball matches. On 15 September, actress and presenter Lindie Strydom will address invited guests at a gala dinner and in November the school's current 230 learners will witness the unveiling of a commemorative plaque. Die Bult originated in 1912, as the need for accommodation for orphans of the Anglo Boer War was identified. The city fathers of George made an old prison building (circa 1861) available to the children and their teachers, and in 1919 a new purpose-built school was erected. ( "We aim at their protection against the evil and insidious influences of a diseased society, at sheltering them, at nurturing them physically, intellectually, morally and as far as possible, vocationally. These schools are called upon to perform a well-nigh impossible task in furnishing substitutes for the natural home." So wrote the former Secretary of Education, Mr George W Hofmeyr in 1917, about schools such as the one situated in Langenhoven Street, George. The school has adapted to its changing educational and social environment over the past 100 years. It was an industrial school from its inception until 1965, after which it developed into a high school for boys until 2000 (Die Bult High School). This era was followed by its role as a special educational youth centre until 2011 and since its name change last year to Die Bult School, this educational facility looks after learners who require assistance with behaviour modification and in the academic learning area. If you want to visit the school's active Old Boys` Union website, where you can view information and photos, visit An unofficial learners' reunion is scheduled for later this month.

Friday, March 25, 2011

JOHANNES JANSE VAN VUUREN ("Skaap" - 1976 TOT 1980) wil graag met oud-Dasse uit sy era kontak maak.
SEL NOMMER: 082 662 9043.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

It is with regret that we have learnt of the passing away of JOHAN SCHMIDT on Friday March 18, 2011 after a long suffering of illness. We wish to convey our heartfelt condolences to his wife Christa and his family.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Get-together on the 25th September 2010

Hi there ex-Dasse,

The reaction to our get-together on 25th September 2010 at Dassiebult has been very good. The time has come for us to make a tally so that we can make arrangements for the catering. After calculations, we have come up with a fee of R75.00 per head. We are not going to braai as it keeps some of the guys too busy the whole night. Instead we will order already prepared meals with salads etc. (Liquor excluded - please bring your own.)

To confirm your booking, please deposit R75 per head into Kevin's FNB current Private Clients account. Please contact him for banking details. Please do not deposit cash into the account as they charge astronomical fees for cash deposits.

You can also post a cheque to:

Kevin Large,

44 Bogey Boulevard,



Please refer to the get-together and your name when you make the deposit.

Trudi Vosloo has kindly offered to assist with the accommodation arrangements. If you have not made arrangements yet and are in need of a place to stay, please contact her on +27 44 873 4021. (Thanks in advance Trudi - you are a star as always!)

We are looking forward to meet up with a couple of new names and faces as well as rekindling old acquaintances. We believe that many of the ex-Onnies will be there.

We will make sure that there are "apies and mongorries" on the tables for snacks.

Dassie greetings,

Kevin Large.

44 Bogey Blvd, Country Club, Langebaan. 7357

Phone: 0227721897

Cell: 0723554150

Fax: 0227721897

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Proposed get-together : 25 September 2010 ; George

Hi there Dasse. After speaking to some of the boys, it deems that the best date to hold our get together this year is on the 25th of September. Billy Jones from the UK will be here at that time and would love to see the old tops from the sixties. That does not mean that we only want the sixties boys there, this is a get together for all Dasse. There seems to be a lot of new guys from the seventies, eighties and nineties. We would love to meet with you guys. A few of the teachers and Hostel parents from the sixties will also be there. Oh yes I forgot. George seems to be the ideal place to hold the event due to nostalgia and economics. Trudy, ons vroue Das, has once again offered to help with the preparations and the arranging of accommodation for those from afar. Instead of a Braai, we are debating the idea of Kentucky fried Chicken and salads. It would give the guys more time to mingle. The costs should not be more than R50 per head and very little preparation is required.

Please contact us with regard to your willingness and availability. We will arrange finance and minor details at a later stage.

Hope everyone makes an effort and contacts all Dasse they know and tries to persuade them to join us. If you are willing and able, please make your bookings as soon as possible.

Dasse groete

Kevin Large

44 Bogey Blvd, Country Club, Langebaan. 7357

Ph: 0227721897

Ce: 0723554150

Fa: 0227721897

Sunday, June 20, 2010

All the photos referred to in the previous post have been uploaded to the link "28. Photos From The School Archives". You might also find some photos of interest that have been received from John Goosen and Lettie Myburgh and uploaded to the link "29. Verkeidenheid foto's".

Sunday, October 04, 2009


During our get-together at the Bult on 26 Sept. 2009, we were fortunate to get hold of quite a number of group photos that were taken over the years, which are stored in the safe at Dassiebult. We have managed to scan the photos, but it will have to be edited for posting on this site. A number of these photo's have already been posted today. In the next couple of weeks all the photos will be posted here. Please browse around to see whether we have managed to obtain your photo.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ons het hierdie epos van Antoinette Klopper ontvang. Kan iemand haar dalk help om Tinus Smit op te spoor? Indien wel, kontak haar asb. by

Goeie middag
Ek is jammer dat ek op hierdie manier met u kontak maak, maar ek gebruik elke moontlike medium om 'n baie groot vriend van my op te spoor. Ek was op skool bevriend met Tinus Smit wat 1992 matriek geskryf het by die Bult, hy het ook op die leerlingraad gedien. Na matriek het hy op Potchefstroom sy weermag-opleiding gaan doen, maar net daarna het ons kontak verloor. Ek is al baie jare opsoek na my vriend & het op die Bult se webblad op u afgekom.
Ek wil vra of my dalk behulpsaam sal kan wees?
Groete, Antoinette Klopper

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Kevin Large se epos oor die reunie:

Hi there guys, Dis amper einde Junie, oor drie maande sien ons vir mekaar. Trudy van George het ingestem om te help waar sy kan, so as julle verblyf soek of iets wil weet, haar email is Mark Goodger het blykbaar ook akkomadasie in Mossel Baai. Sy email is As daar mense is wat cash wil inbetaal, MOENIE. Die blerrie banke is rip offs en vra R15 vir elke een honderd rand inbetaal. Julle kan liewers vir my laat weet hoeveel mense kom en die geld inbetaal die Saterdagaand. Iemand het R100 inbetaal met ‘n ref Reunion. Bel asb. en se wie julle is. As julle geld inbetaal, moet die reference jou naam wees. Tot dusver het baie mense my laat weet hulle kom maar hulle moet confirm voor die 15de September sodat ons die kos reelings kan tref. Onthou, jule mag tente opslaan en lekker kuier as julle wil. Ek attach die nuutste Data base. As julle van iemand weet wat nie op die lys is nie, laat weet asb. vir my.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hi All!

Underneath is an email that was sent by Kevin Large to all the known email addresses on the data base. Please note that the function at the old school on 26 September 2009 is open to everyone. Besides being a reunion for all the "Ou Toppies" of the 1969 Matric class, it will also be a get-together for Everyone. Please see the new entry under the link "Upcoming Events":

Dasse groete,
1969; the matric year of a group of guys brought together by fate. Exciting lot of guys, distributed in 4 different hostels. Each person an individual equipped with the necessary tools to go out into the world and make an impact on different lives. Each individual with an exciting future due to strict discipline and an excellent education, and last but not least, a comradeship which has lasted 40 years plus.
We are now 40 years down the line and I excitedly pen my thoughts after making contact with among others, guys from our matric class and fellow Dasse from that era. When I opened Facebook and searched for “Die Bult” and found David Allen, Billy Jones, Charles Du Preez and numerous other Dasse on one day, my brain went into overdrive and reminisced the good old days. Subsequently I have been in contact with my fellow pupils and cannot wait for us to re-unite after all this time.
With the help of Trudy (Barnard) Vosloo and Lodewyk Meyer (present head of Die Bult), Peet (Kerksman) Johnson and Deon (Dutch) Van Eck we have decided to get the guys together on September the 26th in George at our old School. Mr. Lodewyk Meyer has granted us permission to utilize the Sports field hall and braai facilities as well as toilet facilities (showering etc.) on that date. The reason for the 26th being chosen as our re-union date is; the 24th is a public holiday and for those of us who wants to travel by car, it allows us time to get there at our leisure and return by Monday morning to face the remaining years with good memories of old friends.
In a discussion with Trudy this morning we have decided, to make it easy on all of us, to have a braai. We now require everyone who is interested in attending this function to reply either by email, sms or fax not later than the 31st of July so that the food and accommodation can be organized. The cost should not be more than R50 per head liquor excluded. Trudy can supply us with contacts for a wide variety of accommodation and Mr. Meyer has consented to tenting on the school fields for the brave of heart. To confirm your booking, please deposit R50.00 per head into K R Large bank acc. FNB, Current account number 50190079796, use your name as reference and fax or email deposit slip to 0227721987 or
For those of you who don’t know, there is a “Die Bult” website maintained by Peet Johnson viz; You are invited to browse and download from our very impressive library. If you have any photos not on the website, please forward to me. If you know of anyone not on the database, please forward me his particulars.

We are looking forward to re-uniting or meeting with as many ou Dasse as possible.

Kevin Large

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Allan “Gargamel” Thomas (1992 – 1995) from Jacaranda was the latest Das to discover our site.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ons dink in hierdie dae aan Tannie Barnard wie gedurende 1962-1987 die koshuismatrone by Koshuis 4 (Jakarandahuis) was. Sy word tans in die Outeniqua Versorgingsoord op George versorg na 'n ernstige mediese terugslag. Alle sterkte en seën word aan haar, haar 3 kinders Arno, Francois (Das) en Christelle toegewens. As julle eenigeen van hulle wil kontak, sal die besonderhede op versoek per epos verskaf word.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Dave de Breyn

It is with deep regret that we have to announce the passing of David de Breyn in the early hours of Saturday November 24, 2007 in the 1 Military Hospital in Pretoria. Our heartfelt condolences are extended to his wife Paula and their kids. Paula can be reached on 073 839 9270.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Get Together 22 - 24 September 2007

The get-together at Langebaan was a hugh success and many old friendship ties were strengthened. Our thanks to Kevin and Jeanette Large for hosting the event, Deon (Dutch) van Eck who brought everyone together and all the ex-Dasse, -teachers and their partners who attended the event. Pictures of the event can be viewed by clicking on link 32 on the main page.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


The next get together will be held during the weekend of 22 - 24 September 2007 at Langebaan in the Western Cape. Kevin (Large) who stays in Langebaan, is in a position to accommodate 5 to 6 couples (on a first come first serve basis), so hurry up to secure your bed! For the rest, accommodation will be available at various guest houses. Please confirm with Dutch van Eck as soon as possible to enable him to make the necessary arrangements. The cost of the accommodation at the guest houses and the function, will be conveyed to you in due course.
Call Dutch on +27 82 552 0954
and Kevin on +27 72 355 4150.
See you there!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Hi to all the Dasse out there!
A get together is being planned for 9-12 August or 22-24 September 2007 in Langebaan in the Western Cape. As always, our man Dutch (Deon) van Eck is in charge of the arrangements. Please email him with your preferential date and any enquiries to enable him to make the final arrangements, or call him on 082 552 0954. As soon as the date is fixed, we will post it here. We hope to see you there!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Dave de Bruyn is op 16 Maart uit die hospitaal ontslaan. Ons hoop hy sterk ten volle tuis aan en dat hy gou weer sy ou self sal wees.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Dave de Breyn word tans in die 1 Militêre Hospitaal behandel. Ons wens hom, Paula en hulle kinders sterkte toe. Ons bid dat hy gou sal herstel.

Monday, January 01, 2007

The get together on December 29, 2006 was a hugh success and the attendants "got together" until the earlier hours of the morning to reminis about the good old days. A special word of thanks to Dutch and Trudie who arranged the memorable get together. The pictures can be viewed at link 30 on the main page.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Hiermee wil ons graag ons innige simpatie betuig met Lida, eggenote van Gawie Small wat op 15 November 2006 na 'n kort siekbed oorlede is.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Die Hoër Huishoudskool se std. 8's van 1968, std 9's van 1969 en die PW Botha Kollege se matrieks van 1970 beplan 'n reünie vir 29 Desember 2006. Hulle nooi alle personeel, oud-Dasse en Kwaggas wat op een of ander manier deur die jare met hulle assosieer het, uit om die gesamentlike reünie wat in die hoofsaal van die PW Botha Kollege op George sal plaasvind, by te woon. Kontak asb vir Truia (Trudy Vosloo) vir verdere besonderhede:
(h) 044 873 4021
(s) 083 564 9170,
of vir Dutch van Eck:
082 552 0954.

Saturday, October 21, 2006



Ons het 'n fantastiese byeenkoms van oud-Dasse in Pretoria gehad waar lekker gekuier, geëet en gesels is. Dit is onder andere bygewoon deur Willem O'Toole (Brill), die mees junior Das (1983-1985) op die byeenkoms en sy vrou Debbie (foto links bo).
Die mees senior oud-Das was niemand anders nie as die nimlike Hendry Pleo (1959-1963) en sy vrou Jodie (foto regs). Dit was lekker om te beleef hoe oud-Dasse uit verskillende eras met mekaar oor die goeie ou dae op die Dassiebult gesels het.

Dankie aan Sonet Johnson, Dutch van Eck en Bees, ons fantastiese kok, wat die aand so 'n groot sukses gemaak het! Dankie ook aan almal wat van ver gereis het om die aand en die ontbyt die Sondag oggend saam met oud-Dasse te geniet. Hoop ons sien nog meer oud-Dasse by die volgende byeenkoms.


Mnr. Lodewyk Meyer is tans hoof van Die Bult Jeugsentrum wat gehuisves is op die perseel van die vorige Hoërskool Die Bult. Hy was vanaf 1985 tot 2000 'n onderwyser aan Hoërskool Die Bult. Ons bedank hom graag vir die ou jaarblaaie en ou foto's van die Hoërskool wat hy nog bewaar, wat hy tot ons beskikking gestel het sodat ons dit op hierdie webblad kan plaas.


Dutch (Deon) van Eck, die oud-Das wat so goedgunstiglik al ons byeenkomste reël. Dankie Dutch!

Dankie Yvonne.

Yvonne Bezuidenhout. Baie dankie Yvonne, vir die moeite wat jy gedoen het om talle jaarboeke en foto's uit die skool se geskiedenis bymekaar te kry en te verskaf sodat hierdie webtuiste opgedateer kan word. Dit word opreg waardeer.